Wasted money on expensive diet plans? Tried Keto, Pilates, Hard core gym sessions, but nothing worked out? Well, those love handles on your waist have fallen in love with you! Just Kidding!
Do you know what is the quickest way for weight loss? The secret is, the weight loss plan is different for everyone! Yes! Something that’s working out for Malaika Arora, or your gym bestie with a tad small waist might not be the right thing for you!
But then how to lose weight fast? What is the best weight loss secret? Today, I’ve brought tried and tested, simple yet very effective tips on how to lose weight, in less than two months! If you sincerely follow these tips, you’ll not only lose those extra kilos, but will also be able to maintain a healthy weight for life!
So, without any ado, learn how to lose 10 kgs in 45 days.
5 Quick Weight Loss Tips: Lose 10 Kgs in 45 days
See, if you ask how many kgs can I lose in 45 days, it is practically possible to lose around 10-15 kgs only if you follow the right approach! By right approach, I mean, the healthy approach.
Warning: Skipping meals, snacking on protein bars in place of meals, rigorous workout sessions twice a day, surviving on protein shakes will only make you weak. You’ll feel bloated, low on energy, irritable and in worse cases, these unhealthy practices can affect your nervous system.
1. Watch what you eat
Eating unhealthy food and not eating in the right proportion is the most common cause for stubborn weight. Here is how you can nip the poor eating habits in the bud and master the art of eating right:
- Cut the calories;
Eat fewer calories than you burn. Say bye-bye to calorie bombs like chips, pies, cakes, and processed munchies—they pack a punch but lack the good stuff like fiber, protein, and vitamins. Instead, munch on fresh fruits, legumes, whole grains, and lean meats or poultry.
Recently, Revant Himatsingka, known as foodpharmer on Instagram, made a shocking revelation that Bournvita was sold as a health drink till date and it’s not. Bournvita’s tagline is ‘ Tayari Jeet ki’, but Ravant proved that it is ‘Tayari diabetes ki’. It has a high content of sugar, which is dangerous and addictive to children, even adults. And guess what, he won the case in the Supreme Court!
Why did I tell you this? As per AHA, you cannot consume more than 100 calories per day in terms of sugar. Look for sugar and sodium content in whatever you eat! There are lots of food items being sold as healthy. But they might just be the opposite!
- Chew food slowly;
No Mindless eating! You can’t just stuff anything in your mouth that you found lying on the counter, right! Eat small bites, eat slowly, enjoy every bit of your meal.
- No processed foods;
No instant noodles, fast food, chips, crackers, and cakes—they’re all loaded with calories but completely lack nutrients. The more processed food you eat, the more pounds you put on, especially among the ladies.
Also, skip the soda, sweet tea, juice, and sports drinks. Opt for Coconut water, unsweetened coffee, homemade desserts, green tea, lemonade etc. If you love milk, go for the low-fat or skimmed milk, or grab some fresh homemade yogurt!
- Add more proteins;
Add more proteins to your diet. It’s a game-changer! And it’s the easiest way to cut down on hunger pangs. Go for meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, legumes, and tofu—they’re all fair game and are among the easiest ways to shed kilos in a month.
- No fried food;
Say no to Samosa! Yes, bread pakoras too! Anything which is deep fried, takes at least 3-4 days to get digested and the body takes even longer to burn that greasy fat! If you really want to lose 10 kilos in 45 days, you’ll have to completely give up fried food.
2. Increase water intake

Staying hydrated is the universal secret to shed kilos in a month! It’s the oldest trick in the book but oh-so-effective!
Drink a glass of water before each meal. It’s like a secret weapon against overeating. If you sip 500ml of water 30 minutes before breakfast, or other meals, you’ll be reducing your calorie intake by 13%. Water is the ultimate calorie-burning elixir!
3. Lifestyle Check ( Best Weight Loss Technique)

- Eat your meals in time;
Fix a time for your meals and stick to them strictly. Eat your breakfast between 9-9:30 am, lunch between 1:30pm-2:00pm and have dinner before 7:00 pm. You can munch healthy snacks in between like Chickpea salad, sprouts salad, or roasted foxnuts but have your main meal timely.
- Stay active;
C’mon, be active!!! An active lifestyle not only helps you reduce weight faster, but also prevents the risk of heart diseases. And staying active doesn’t mean you have to exhaust your body. Make a routine of 30-40 minutes walk everyday in the morning, complete your daily household chores, take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Tip: If you work from home, or you have a desk job that requires more sitting, try the Pomodoro technique at work. It means, you take a 5-minute break after 25 minutes of work, then a 10-minute break after 30 minutes of work. It’s an ancient Japanese technique to boost productivity while staying active.
- Fix your sleep schedule;
Early to bed, early to rise, makes you lose weight and reduce size! Sleep early, but more importantly, try sleeping at fixed timings. Your body understands discipline and will reward you if you are strict with your routine. Similarly, wake up before 5 am in the morning so that you have ample time for yourself and prepare your meals in advance.
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4. High Intensity Training ( For Quick Weight Loss)

Now that we’ve talked about healthy eating and lifestyle, there’s no denying that you have to work out! If you are really keen to ace weight loss, you’ll have to give that stubborn fat a burn!
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Check out this high-intensity workout video which has very simple yet really good exercises! There’s Zumba, HIIT and home workouts too. Try these at least 5 days a week, for 30 minutes to see the results:
5. Be kind to your body
Ate well, worked out, drank water, did all but still cannot see the results fast? Listen, be kind to your body, pal! You did not put on these extra kilos in a month, how do you plan to lose them overnight, isn’t it!
So, stick to the routine given above, revamp your lifestyle and you’ll start seeing results within a week!
Final Words
Losing kilos in a month is tough, but is practically possible if you keep yourself motivated. And, the motivation must come from within. Food-discipline and an active lifestyle will cut the weight loss journey really short for you. Follow these tips and don’t forget to share the results with us in the comments section. All the best !!!
This is for me. Thanks for tips 🙂
Thank you! Stay tuned for more healthy lifestyle tips.
May be the Life Style could be big game changer. Detailed guideline, looks practicals and doable.
Thank you. Stay tuned for more healthy lifestyle tips.